Join Willem Schoors and Carmen Tomas for an engaging episode as Willem shares his inspiring journey in founding a school rooted in student autonomy and evidence-based principles. He delves into his vision and hands-on experience driving innovation in education, emphasizing the critical role of visionary educational leaders that can articulate a vision for learners. Discover new ways of fostering collaboration among educational leaders, researchers, and edtech providers to fortify the education innovation ecosystem. Willem highlights the progress of the EmpowerEd project, a bold European initiative aiming to integrate and advance the education innovation landscape. Central to this effort are better collaboration and evidence-based practices. Tune in to learn how EmpowerEd is transforming education!
Visit the EmpowerEd project website
Presenters: Carmen Tomas & Willem Schoors
Music: Futuristic Beat by Nver Avetyan
Microphone animation by: creativeartstudio21 (pixabay)
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